How often are the flowers watered in the summer?
Proper watering is one of the most important conditions for healthy and beautiful flowers.
Overwatering or the lack of it is the cause of their death.
In summer – when temperatures are high, flowers are watered more often and more in quantity. It is best to water in the evening, and when it is very hot, it can also be watered in the morning. They should not be watered while the sun is shining on them, because they can burn.
The location of the flower, whether it is blooming at the moment and what kind of soil is also important.
When the soil is dry, the flower begins to wilt. Wet soil is darker than dry.
You can tell that a flower needs water by feeling the soil with your finger.
A well-watered plant is one whose soil is moist. If there is water left in the saucer, it must be removed, as the flower may rot.
It is good to water the flowers with water that has stood for at least 12 hours at room temperature.
If you have questions about watering your plants – contact us!