Red Rose
The Queen of Roses!
Choose a number of red roses, our florists will tie them with a beautiful satin ribbon and we will deliver them to your loved ones!
It carries the symbolism of romantic love, desire, beauty, passion.
1 rose means devotion and loyalty.
12 red roses say “I love you”.
We deliver throughout Sofia with personal couriers.
Delivery throughout Bulgaria with a courier company during its working hours.
The price is per piece.
Please specify in the notes on which date you would like the bouquet to be delivered.
If you want same day delivery, choose express delivery.
If you want to add a message, choose a card from the product category, add it to your basket and write your wish to the recipient again in our notes.
The bouquet is suitable for any occasion:
- a birthday bouquet
- bouquet for a name day
- anniversary bouquet
- a bouquet for a loved one